Monday, April 8, 2013

New BC Family Law Act

Changes have been made to the Family Law Act which affects those involved with divorce, separation or family violence. Protection orders are now included under the criminal code, allowing effective enforcement as police are able to step in quickly. Family violence now includes psychological and emotional abuse.

This relates to Law 12 as Family Law is under Civil Law, a chapter we have studied. In my opinion, this is a step in the right direction as it allows the police to step in quicker, and thus, being able to solve issues. Hopefully, this also lowers the amount of abuse that victims encounter.

Source: The Province

Christy Clark tied for least popular Premier

As the election draws near, new polls show that Clark is dead last, tied with Kathy Dunderdale of Newfoundland, at a mere 25% support from voters. Some say that Clark seems too casual, while others believe she is too formal. Clark's rival, Adrian Dix, is rising on the charts, his rating climbing to almost 50%.

The ethnic voting strategy report that leaked out several weeks ago is seen to be damaging for the Liberals. Many believe that this issue was enough for her to resign. 11% of Liberal supporters thought Clark's handling of the report was poor.

British Columbians are set to vote on May 14th.

In relation to Law 12, this article shows the power of citizens. Poor decisions from the Premier may lead them to be overthrown by the opposition. In a democratic country, we elect who we believe is the best to lead the province. Sadly, Clark has lost this belief from many citizens of British Columbia.

In my opinion, taking on former Premier's Gordon Campbell's role is not easy, especially after the HST debacle. Clark has been put into a vulnerable position, a position she gladly took on as she put herself up for votes to become the leader. She has no one to blame but herself, and her decision to enter into the election in being the leader. From recent polls, I believe that she will not be re-elected as the next premier. However, I am not all that excited for an NDP provincial government. Past years where NDP was leading showed little to no growth in forms of infrastructure. As a minor, all I can do is hope. After all, the whole HST debacle was ridiculous, as the HST not only led to less bureaucrats working, some things are actually cheaper with the HST rather than GST + PST.
Source: News 1130